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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - pair


Связанные словари


 I. noun  (plural ~s or ~)  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Anglo-French, from Latin paria equal things, from neuter plural of par equal  Date: 14th century  1.  a.  (1) two corresponding things designed for use together a ~ of shoes  (2) two corresponding bodily parts or members a ~ of hands  b. something made up of two corresponding pieces a ~ of trousers  2.  a. two similar or associated things: as  (1) two mated animals  (2) a couple in love, engaged, or married were a devoted ~  (3) two playing cards of the same value or denomination and especially of the same rank  (4) two horses harnessed side by side  (5) two members of a deliberative body that agree not to vote on a specific issue during a time agreed on; also an agreement not to vote made by the two members  b. a partnership especially of two players in a contest against another partnership  3. chiefly dialect a set or series of small objects (as beads)  II. verb  Date: 1606  transitive verb  1.  a. to make a ~ of — often used with off or up ~ed off the animals  b. to cause to be a member of a ~  c. to arrange a voting ~ between  2. to arrange in ~s  intransitive verb  1. to constitute a member of a ~ a sock that didn't ~  2.  a. to become associated with another — often used with off or up ~ed up with an old friend  b. to become grouped or separated into ~s — often used with off ~ed off for the next dance
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См. в других словарях

  n. & v. --n. 1 a set of two persons or things used together or regarded as a unit (a pair of gloves; a pair of eyes). 2 an article (e.g. scissors, trousers, or pyjamas) consisting of two joined or corresponding parts not used separately. 3 a an engaged or married couple. b a mated couple of animals. 4 two horses harnessed side by side (a coach and pair). 5 the second member of a pair in relation to the first (cannot find its pair). 6 two playing cards of the same denomination. 7 Parl. either or both of two MPs etc. on opposite sides absenting themselves from voting by mutual arrangement. --v.tr. & intr. 1 (often foll. by off) arrange or be arranged in couples. 2 a join or be joined in marriage. b (of animals) mate. 3 Parl. form a pair. Phrases and idioms in pairs in twos. pair production Physics the conversion of a radiation quantum into an electron and a positron. pair royal a set of three cards of the same denomination. Etymology: ME f. OF paire f. L paria neut. pl. of par equal ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) пара спаривать, объединять в пары; образовывать пары 2) кинематическая пара 3) скручивать парами (провода, жилы кабеля) 4) двухпроводная линия 5) метал. прокатка двойками - pair of compasses - pair of nippers - pair of steps - balanced pair - base pair - bound electron-hole pair - bunched pair - closed pair - complementary pair - contacting pair - cord pair - Darlington pair - electron-hole pair - Frenkel pair - friction pair - gear pair - generated pair - Goto pair - interstitial-vacancy pair - jog pair - kinematic pair - matched pair - mating pair - optron pair - planar pair - rectilinear pair - screw pair - shielded pair - sliding pair - stereoscopic pair - straight pair - superconducting pair - terminal pair - turning pair - twisted pair - untwisted pair - wheel pair - worm-and-worm pair ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  pair of doors ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) пара (проводов) 2) двухпроводная линия – antenna pair – balanced pair – binary pair – Bloch-line pair – blue signaling pair – bunched pair – coaxial pair – compact-coaxial pair – connector pair – cord pair – diode optical pair – feed pair – Fourier transform pair – Frenkel pair – green signaling pair – Hilbert transforms pair – incoming subscriber pair – lay pairs – line spectral pairs – multiple twisted pair – nonloaded-twisted pair – optron pair – origin destination pair – outgoing subscriber pair – red-blue signaling pair – red-green signaling pair – red signaling pair – reinforced star-type pair – shielded pair – shielded star-type pair – shielded twisted pair – single-terminal pair – special cord pair – star-type pair – terminal pair – trigger pair – twisted pair – unshielded twisted pair pair – untwisted pair pair ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) двое 2) двойка 3) образовывать пары 4) пара 5) парный 6) спаривать 7) спариваться 8) спарить 9) чета conformably ordered pair — конформно упорядоченная пара electron-hole pair generation — генерация электронно-дырочных пар locally compact pair — локально компактная пара ordered pair group — группа упорядоченных пар pair correlation function — функция парных корреляций pair preference estimate — оценка парного предпочтения playable strategy pair — пара стратегий игры relatively prime pair — пара относительно простых чисел stochastically ordered pair — стохастически упорядоченная пара two-terminal pair network — тех. четырехполюсник - HL-register pair - admissible pair - amicable pair - anomalous pair - antipodal pair - associative pair - axiom of pair - bordant pair - bound pair - cellular pair - coaxial pair - cofinal pair - comparable pair - complementary pair - complex-conjugate pair - congruence pair - connected pair - contractible pair - cord pair - covering pair - critical pair - cuspidal pair - dual pair - electron pair - electron-positron pair - extraspecial pair - generalized pair - generating pair - homotopic pair - hyperbolic pair - inadmissible pair - injective pair - interstitial-vacancy pair - involutive pair - ion pair - lattice of pair - line pair - linear pair - manifold pair - minicuspidal pair - modular pair - number pair - observable pair - ordered pair - orthogonal pair - pair algebra - pair correlation - pair game - pair graph - pair group - pair isometry - pair matching - pair of cellulars - pair of compasses - pair of dice - pair of elements - pair of representations - pair of sets - pair of solutions - pair of tangents - pair of vacancies - pair potential - pair ranking - pair scheme - pair...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  пара; спаривать, случать; спариваться; совокупляться – base pair – factor pair – mating pair – royal pair ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  см. pairing c gray1) ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. пара; парные предметы a pair of shoes —- пара туфель a pair of eyes (hands, feet) —- разг. пара глаз (две руки, две ноги) in pairs —- парами pair of geaars —- тех. пара сопряженных зубчатых колес pair of wheels —- авт. двойной скат колес a pair of stairs —- марш, этаж a pair of steps —- лестничный марш; лестница-стремянка 2. вещь, состоящая из двух частей a pair of trousers —- пара брюк in a pair of jeans —- в джинсах a pair of scossors (compasses, spectacles, scales) —- ножницы (компас, очки, весы) 3. пара животных (самец и самка) 4. пара лошадей a carriage and pair —- карета, запряженная парой лошадей 5. пара; супружеская чета; жених с невестой 6. пара танцующих и т. п. 7. партнеры в картах 8. парл. два члена противных партий, не участвующие в голосовании по взаимному соглашению 9. спорт. двойка без рулевого 10. бригада рабочих, шахтеров a pair of ten men were working at night-shift underground —- группа рабочих из десяти человек работала в ночную смену под землей 11. (-pair) как компонент слоожных слов со значением такой-то этаж one (two-, three) pair front (back) —- комната во втором (третьем, четвертом) этаже на улицу (во двор) a spacious room on the two-pair front —- большая комната на третьем этаже, окнами на улицу Id: a pair of hands (feet) —- трудовой человек, работник Id: pair of lawn sleeves —- епископ Id: another pair of shoes...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) пара; in pairs - парами; a carriage and pair - карета, запряженная парой  2) вещь, состоящая из двух частей; парные предметы; пара; a pair of scissors (spectacles, compasses, scales) - ножницы (очки, циркуль, весы); a pair of socks (shoes, gloves) - пара носков (ботинок, перчаток)  3) (супружеская) чета; жених с невестой  4) pair of stairs/steps - марш, этаж  5) pl. партнеры (в картах)  6) parl. два члена противных партий, не участвующие в голосовании по соглашению  7) смена, бригада (рабочих)  8) attr. парный a pair of hands - трудовой человек, работник; He has now held five cabinet posts and remains a safe pair of hands. pair of lawn sleeves - епископ another pair of shoes - другое дело  2. v.  1) располагать(ся) парами; подбирать под пару  2) соединять(ся) по двое  3) сочетать(ся) браком  4) спаривать(ся), случать - pair off - pair up - pair with PAIR off  а) разделять(ся) на пары; уходить парами; The dancers paired off, each with her partner.  б) coll. жениться, выйти замуж (with); I should be free to pair off with the lively widow. PAIR up объединяться в пары; We each paired up with our opposite number from the other school, to exchange ideas. PAIR with  а) подбирать под пару; Try to pair this card with one exactly the same from the other pack.  б) polit. договариваться о неучастии в голосовании (о двух членах противных партий); For this vote, three of our Members paired with three from the other party. PAIR suf. в сложных словах означает...
Англо-русский словарь
  (pairs, pairing, paired) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A pair of things are two things of the same size and shape that are used together or are both part of something, for example shoes, earrings, or parts of the body. ...a pair of socks. ...trainers that cost up to 90 pounds a pair... 72,000 pairs of hands clapped in unison to the song. N-COUNT: usu with supp 2. Some objects that have two main parts of the same size and shape are referred to as a pair, for example a pair of trousers or a pair of scissors. ...a pair of faded jeans. ...a pair of binoculars. N-COUNT: usu with supp 3. You can refer to two people as a pair when they are standing or walking together or when they have some kind of relationship with each other. A pair of teenage boys were smoking cigarettes... N-SING 4. If one thing is paired with another, it is put with it or considered with it. The trainees will then be paired with experienced managers. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed with n • pairing ...the pairing of these two fine musicians. N-UNCOUNT: usu the N of n 5. see also au pair 6. If you say that someone is or has a safe pair of hands, you mean that they are reliable and will not make any serious mistakes. (BRIT JOURNALISM) He has now held five cabinet posts and remains a safe pair of hands. PHRASE: PHR after v ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n plural pairs or pair 1 »TROUSERS ETC« a single thing made of two similar parts that are joined together  (a pair of jeans/trousers/scissors/glasses etc)  (Go put on a clean pair of jeans. | a new pair of sunglasses) 2 »SHOES ETC« two things of the same kind that are used together  (a pair of shoes/socks/gloves etc)  (three pairs of socks | a pair of candlesticks | a matching pair (=two things that are exactly alike)) 3 in pairs in groups of two  (OK class, get in pairs for the next activity. | earrings sold in pairs) 4 »TWO PEOPLE« two people who are standing or doing something together, or are connected with each other in some way + of  (a pair of dancers | a pair of scruffy kids) 5 the pair of you/them BrE spoken used when you are angry or annoyed  (Oh get out, the pair of you. | They're crooks, the pair of them.) 6 »TWO ANIMALS« a) two animals, one male and one female, that come together to have sex + of  (a pair of doves) b) old use two horses that work together  (a carriage and pair) 7 I've only got one pair of hands spoken used to say that you are busy and cannot do any more than you are doing 8 »CARDS« two playing cards which have the same value + of  (a pair of jacks) 9 the happy pair two people who have just become married  ( USAGE NOTE: PAIR WORD CHOICE pair, couple A pair is a set of two things which are joined or normally used together, or two people who work or do something together a pair of jeans/slippers | drug dealers often work in pairs A couple is two or a few things of the same kind I've found two/a couple of socks but they aren't a pair. | Can you lend me a couple of dollars (=a few dollars)? Note that two married people or two people in a lasting relationship are a couple not a pair a childless couple GRAMMAR Things that come in pairs and are joined can only be counted using the word pair, even though they are plural two pairs of jeans | a pair of glasses (NOT a glasses) | both pairs of scissors Things that come in pairs but are not joined can be counted either in pairs or separately one...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASDAQ abbr. Pairgain Technologies, Inc. pos. abbr. Performing Artist In Residence ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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